Saturday, April 30, 2011

Random Chatter: Oh Canada and Doc Brown

In this segment of Random Chatter we talk about regional accents, I give the guys a little Canadian history lesson, and we wax nostalgic about Christopher Lloyd and his many great roles. We cover a lot of ground in a short time. Hope you enjoy (sorry Djiem).


Monday, April 25, 2011

Episode 6: We Should've Got The Live Chicken

On this #winning episode of Irresponsible Random Chatter, to honor the start of the Major League Baseball Season, we indulge in tiger blood and follow Charlie Sheen and the Cleveland Indians in search of a playoff berth. With us tonight is Drobro, Moe Fwacky, Decius, Peetsnack, Jaiden, and Burnttoast.

In addition to our normal show we debut our first podcast commentary drinking game. The rules are outlined during the beginning of the episode. Note, the game was conceived after the recording of the episode so please know your limits if you want to achieve warlock greatest.

It is also not recommended to use full shots of hard liquor.. ehm, Catboy (Hall of Fame Inductee).

Episode 6: We Should've Got The Live Chicken

- 10 Gallon Warp Core Breach
- Windows Vista Talking Rain Drink
- The Sportscenter Altar

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Episode 5: His Name Was Robert Paulson

On tonight's episode of Irresponsible Random Chatter, we expose the underground society known as Fight Club and wrestle with the white collared American. With us tonight is Drobro, Moefwacky, Decius, Peetsnack, JonnyNero, and Burnttoast.

Episode 5: His Name Was Robert Paulson

- Forever Alone Involuntary Flashmob
- The Ferris Bueller Fight Club Theory

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Random Chatter: First Scanners and Computers

In this segment of Random Chatter, we discuss some of our first scanners and computers.

- EasyPhoto Drive Preview

Random Chatter: First Scanners and Computers

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Bonus Episode: Inanimate Carbon Rod

In honor of the final launch of the Space Shuttle Discovery, we provide you with a Bonus Episode of Irresponsible Random Chatter in which Homer J. Simpson becomes an astronaut (The Simpsons Season 5, Episode 15: Deep Space Homer). Joining us tonight is Drobro, Moefwacky, Peetsnack, Decius, and Burnttoast.

Bonus Episode: Inanimate Carbon Rod

Friday, April 8, 2011

Episode 3: Greetings Sled Gods

On this episode of the Irresponsible Random Chatter, we join our Jamaican brethren on a quest for Winter Olympic gold in the 1993 film Cool Runnings. With us tonight is Drobro, Moefwacky, Decius, Peetsnack, Sammich, Contre, ArsonIsFun, and Burnttoast.

Episode 3: Greetings Sled Gods

Monday, April 4, 2011

Episode 2: Clever Girl

On tonight's episode of Irresponsible Random Chatter, we strap in for the ride of our lives in the 1993 Blockbuster Jurassic Park. Directed by Steven Spielberg this film became an instant classic and currently ranks as the 16th highest grossing feature film in the world (adjusted for inflation). Joining us tonight is Drobro, Moefwacky, Peetsnack, Smalllady, Decius, and Burnttoast.

Episode 2: Clever Girl